The reasons Social Media Marketing has become exceedingly popular among business of all sizes. Marketing has always been a very important element of business. Successful companies have become a great sheer basis of effective marketing strategies. In the era of huge completions in the market you see many organizations and companies are going great length to advertise and publish their products to gain valuable customers and clients loyalties. And according to contemporary business studies earning more and steady customer is consider one of most important element for any business success. The concept of marketing has kept evolving with passage of time. Among business of al sizes companies are obligated to adopt new changes in their marketing strategies in order to keep up with the changes in market and remain relevant. On the other hand social media marketing become a recent addition to organizations involved in marketing communications plans. Integrated marketing communications consider a main factor for organizations to connect with their targeted markets, also integrated a marketing communications coordinates the elements of promotional mix such as advertising, personal selling, public relation, direct marketing and sales promotion.
“Social media is a strong marketing tool which is most of all is instant, giving businesses prompt feedback, and control over their own advertising. For smaller businesses the other lure and attraction of social media, is the fact that currently it is free, which means new businesses with a limited budget can build awareness for their brand without having to pay for newspaper adverts or spending time with flyering. The main gain social media has over most marketing techniques is that it is cost free and easy. This is undeniably the reason why many new small
The Pepsi Refresh Project: Viral Marketing
Businesses develop their online presence here. It also allows for industry professionals to network with each other, research competitors, and to stay up to date with their industry in general. Social media gives a lot to businesses looking to set up, however there is the high risk that people may soon become bored with Facebook, and Twitter.” Kirsten,(2012) Using the Social media is one of very important factories that the companies use to keep successful and gaining more customers in order to earn highly level of profits by advertising on internet. Beside advertising on Facebook And Twitter, Companies are using social networks to create teams and groups to solve problem faster and share information better among their employees and partners also bring the customer new ideas for new products designs to market earlier. Also the companies and firms use the social media to get more fast communication between each other to be able to match the skill of people in different part of the universal which would not be able to reach other. Although was slow starting using the social media marketing now big business and companies taking in considerations social media in a big way.
“Forrester Research says the dales of software to run corporate social networks will grow 61% a year and be a 6.4billion business by 2016.” Mullaney.T . USA Today (2012)
“The Social Web seems to be doing a different job in Corporate America than the first-generation Web. In the late 1990s, companies such as Wal-Mart used the Internet to streamline supply chains and better manage inventories to hold down prices. Banks used the new technology to cut the cost of processing mortgages by as much as two-thirds, by eliminating clerical workers and substituting e-mail
The Pepsi Refresh Project: Viral Marketing
for expensive overnight deliveries. If Web 1.0 automated routine processes and warehouses, Web 2.0 is about organizing design work and creativity, said Andrew