Essay about Resume: 1957 and In-text Citations

Submitted By adewuyidacosta
Words: 3308
Pages: 14

MANAGEMENT 292: Organizational Behaviour
Spring 2013 Section S13N06/N07

Faculty: Ron Sitter
Office: Building 250 Room 471
Telephone: 250-753-3245 Ext. 2372
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:00pm-3:00pm
Class Schedule: Sections 6&7: Monday 10:00am – 11:30am Bldg 250 Room 125 Section 6: Wednesday 11:30am – 1:00pm Bldg 250 Room 120 Section 7: Wednesday 2:30pm – 4:00 pm Bldg 250 Room 120
Prerequisites: MGMT 192: Principles of Management
Required Text: Langton, N., Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2013) Organizational Behaviour. 6th ed. Toronto, Pearson.

Course Description:

A study of how behaviour generated by people in organizations affects the individual, relationships with others, and performance in groups with focus on the way organizations function as a whole and the factors which relate to effectively managing organizations.
Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental concepts and theories of organizational behaviour practice. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the critical role of organizational behaviour in organizations. 3. Capacity to analyze and evaluate important behavioural organizational processes. 4. Apply course concepts and theories to develop reasoned solutions to management problems within the context of the course. 5. Demonstrate and evaluate competence in team management skills. 6. Demonstrate competence in group presentation skills. 7. Demonstrate competence in adhering to organizational expectations established for the course.

Chronological Course Grading:

Component | % | Due | Format | Class Assignments (5) | 20 | See Schedule | Essay | Exam #1 | 15 | Feb 4 | M/C | Exam #2 | 15 | Mar 13 | M/C | Research Paper Preliminary Outline | Optional | March 18 | Preliminary Paper Outline | Exam #3 | 15 | March 27 | M/C | Team Presentations/Skit/Summary | 10 | April 3,8,10 | Activity | Project Peer Review | 5 | Presentation Date | Evaluation form | Team Research Paper | 20 | Latest April 10 | Research Paper | Total | 100 | |

Grading: Final grade will be assigned according to the following % scale:

A+ 90 – 100 | B+ 76 – 79 | C+ 64 – 67 | D 50 – 54 | F < 50 | A 85 – 89 | B 72 – 75 | C 60 – 63 | | | A- 80 – 84 | B- 68 – 71 | C- 55 – 59 | | |
Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, giving and receiving information during any test or exam, using unauthorized sources of information during any test, plagiarizing, fabrication, cheating, and misrepresenting the work of another person as your own, facilitation of academic misconduct, and under certain conditions, non-attendance.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You must reference your work and acknowledge sources with in-text citations and a complete list of references. This includes direct and indirect quotes, diagrams, charts, figures, pictures and written material.

For group projects, the responsibility for academic integrity, which can result in academic misconduct and its resulting penalties, rests with each person in the group and sanctions would be bourn by each member.

No electronic dictionaries, cell phones or other electronic devices will be allowed in exams/tests/quizzes. Only the following approved calculators may be used in exams/tests/quizzes: Texas Instrument (BAII Plus, BAII, BA35) and Sharp (EL-733A Hewlett Packard 10B). No other materials will be allowed on the desktop apart from a pen/pencil unless specifically approved by the faculty member.


Faculty of Business requires the Harvard style of referencing for academic papers. Please see Quote, Unquote Referencing, and a Speedy Guide to Harvard Referencing at, The course instructor, Wikipedia and anonymous or unknown sources cannot be used in assignments or papers.