Jesus announces his ministry and reads from the book of Isaiah in his hometown of Nazareth (Luke 3:23). Jesus explains to the people that his ministry will cause some prophets and people to suffer rejection from others (Coogan, 2011). He also explains to the people that his ministry will benefit people other than Nazareth. For this reason, some people of …show more content…
Jesus preached there is only one way to enter heaven (John 14:6). Jesus spoke of the “strait gate” rather than the “wide gate” indicating only a few would be saved (Matthew 7: 13, 14). He preached that only man can serve one master (Matthew 6:24). The result of Jesus’s strong preaching caused division among his disciples and religious brethren (John 7: 43, 9: 16, 10: 19, Matthew 10: 34, 35). Jesus upheld all good and condemned all evil (Mark 7: 6-9). Jesus was seen as unpopular when he approved the publican’s prayer and the sinful woman (Luke 18: 13, 14; 7: