Reverend Hale’s character in The Crucible grows to understand that jumping to conclusions and judging too quickly will most likely never result in anything good. This is one of the most valuable lessons Hale learns , which causes him to change and develop throughout the course of the witch hunt. Reverend Hale is a specialist in witchcraft and was always certain that he was right;, however, after many misconceptions, he switches his state of mind. In the beginning of the play, he accuses Tituba…
Words 318 - Pages 2
The Evaluation of Reverend Hale One of the most famous classical tragedy play tells the story of the many crucibles faced by the townspeople of Salem, caused by the great fear of witchcraft. The play follows the crucibles faced by the characters, and how events and other characters cause them to reconsider their belief system and go through inner change. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Reverend John Hale changes throughout the play dramatically, due to the events he witnessed, and the people he…
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The character Reverend Hale from The Crucible starts to feel the effects of the trials during Act two. Everyone in Salem has been shaken up by the arrests made and those who were accused by the girls. Even Elizabeth, John Proctor’s wife, was accused. But before she is arrested Hale goes to warn them, “Hear me. (He wets his lips.) I know not if you are aware, but your wife’s nameー is mentioned in court”(198). The stage directions written for him show that he is nervous about talking to the Proctors…
Words 236 - Pages 1
person’s business into their own. In the case of The Crucible, that person is the entire village of Salem. However, one person in particular, Reverend Parris, has serious issues that put people at risk. He has a singular focus on his job and how much payment he receives for his services that ends up putting people in serious danger. Additionally, he has a total disregard for what happens to others as long as he is content with his disposition. Reverend Parris is a self-absorbed man, as he only focuses…
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work. I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves. There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head!!,” Reverend Hale exclaimed. How did the once faithful reverend turn into the man trying to persuade prisoners to lie? Several unfortunate reasons lead to the downfall of Reverend Hale, in The Crucible. At the beginning of the play, Reverend Hale came into the quiet town of Salem overconfident and ready to save the day. This is clear when he first arrives and claims his books…
Words 504 - Pages 3
Reverend Hale is a dynamic character that undergoes some change during the course of the play. In The Crucible, Hale is dynamic because when he arrives in Salem, he's very determined to investigate and prove the presence of witchcraft. However, by the end of the play, Hale recognizes the truth which is that Abby and the other girls were lying the whole time and that John Proctor is really guilty only of adultery. In the beginning of the play Hale says “I must say it, Mr. Proctor; that is not for…
Words 282 - Pages 2
In the play, ”The Crucible” by Arthur Miller depicts the witch trails that happened in Salem. As many characters were accused, and as many died, and many that escaped these trail during the play, we are still left confused. Who was the real hero in the play? A hero is a person who, in the opinion of other, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal. Reverend Hale fits these qualities. He sacrificed his pride to protect others, stood up against…
Words 561 - Pages 3
In Act One of the Crucible, John Proctor is analyzed by being juxtaposed to Reverend Hale. Both men are good people but have distinct reasons for making the town better. The differences in their levels of religion cause the variation in their characters. They are Christians, but John is a loose Christian compared to Reverend Hale. Reverend Hale immediately believes the case has to do with witchcraft. He would do anything for the church because he does not like to be involved with sins, sex, or the…
Words 493 - Pages 2
The Crucible revolves around the Salem witch trials, however, the play is an allusion to the witch hunt of Communists during the Red Scare that occurred in the 1950s. Reverend Parris symbolizes of the American Government in the 1950s by providing propaganda and a place for the accusers to take flight, Abigail Williams and Joseph McCarthy. While Reverend Parris exhibits great pride in the power he has accrued, his status in Salem has made him a cowardly and paranoid man. The powerful Reverend Samuel…
Words 712 - Pages 3
Admired In the story “The Crucible” there are many characters, so many in fact often times people will get confused on who is who. But out of all the characters one in my opinion I believe that Reverend Hale is one of the most admirable, because in the story he starts off believing the girls but later on sees the truth. He realizes his mistake and owns up to it. He tells John to tell his lie so he doesn’t die, so he can keep his life instead of dying out of pride. When Reverend Hale first showed up…
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