God existence has always been debate over the decade, but why has science and religion always have a clash. Many people think the belief that without god we have no moral. "If there were no God, there would be no morality, …show more content…
I believe it. That settles it.
This argument was refuted 2500 years ago by the Greek philosopher Plato, when he asked, in so many words:
“Is what is morally right or wrong commanded by God because it is inherently right or wrong, or is it morally right or wrong only because it is commanded by God?”
For example, if murder is wrong because God said it is wrong, what if He said it was okay? Would that make murder right? Of course not!” Shermer, Michael. “If There Is No God, Is Murder Wrong? » Michael Shermer.” Michael Shermer, 16 Apr. 2018, michaelshermer.com/2017/04/if-there-is-no-god-is-murder-wrong/.
As you can see in his statement of what Lewis say it hold no water against the fallacy of his idea, but we can go more in depth in it. Before we start, we must ask the question did moral existed when religion was never founded. One of the oldest language before islam and Christianity is hinduism which was founded in 2300 B.C.E but we can go even further to 4000 B.C.E were the egyptian live, so from now to back than is about 6000 years old. Now to make the argument hold true there has to be no morals back than, so when did moral really started. Charles Darwin's the father of evolution as many want to think proposed in his book The Descent of Man “The following proposition seems to me in a high degree probable—namely, that any animal whatever, endowed with well-marked social instincts, the parental and filial affections being here included, would inevitably acquire a moral …show more content…
The thing with the argument that many people brought forth me, it is wrong because of the argument from ignorance. The argument from ignorance is “The assumption of a conclusion or fact based primarily on lack of evidence to the contrary. Usually best described by, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Bennett, Bo. Logically Fallacious: the Ultimate Collection of over 300 Logical Fallacies. Archieboy Holdings, 2015 for example if I told you there a teacup orbiting space can you prove to me it’s real no, can you prove to me it not real no, so by your logical that mean a teacup is orbiting space. Your logical doesn't hold water. It also work with god, we cannot prove god is real and can’t prove god is not real therefore, we can assume that god is not real. Now you might be think like Eric Metaxas from Prageru “The latest science says we shouldn't be. It says that the chance life exists at all is less than zero”, so you think that the probability of life is so low there has to be a god, but it won’t work because it still probability no matter what it can still happen. Therefore there might be a chance the universe is created by no one, or we can ask the the question. How did the universe come to be? You might answer god. Than i will ask you who created god? Most of you will say no one it's always there? Than can’t the universe also