Leaving out comedy or parody’s allows the viewer to take a look within their own lives in a thoughtful manner to aid them in consideration of leaving their unappealing, unpleasant, and dismal occupation for one that may be in their interest and to use Monster.com to fulfill their career dreams. They further enhance the message of their commercial by using no dialogue, but having only tranquil music throughout the beginning of the commercial and dangerous perils to conquer to show that life is precious. The stork gave the baby a life full of potential dreams and by abruptly stopping the music, it brings the viewer to reality to see what the man actually did with the life he was given and what happens to most people in today’s society; which is not beautiful and dream-fulfilling representative of the music played in the beginning. Using no dialogue makes the viewer become engaged that much deeper in the ad because they did not have to focus on characters talking, but simply watch what was happening and make the viewer focus solely on the message that was being presented. My first impressions were that this company was just another Craig’s List, nonchalantly showing commercials here and there, using a cliché purple monster as their mascot for the site and having little care whether or not people actually used the site