“T’is a very nice day today.”,Richard Henry Lee said.
“The only way to end our relationship with England is to become independent”, Richard Henry Lee said respectfully.
“I agree with Richard Henry Lee, the acts have gone way too far. They treat us like a money-making machine.”,John Adams said. Instead of being nervous like Richard Henry Lee he was confident. …show more content…
Richard Henry Lee listened to the Congress formally declared Independence for he was joined by the modig* John Adams.
He was happy his heart nearly jumped. He told,”John Adams”, that he couldn’t be there.Every single syllable he said made him very depressed.
Richard Henry Lee is the president of the Congress. But, he felt like he couldn’t continue to do his job.He despised the acts of England, and he wanted to do something to stop them. Every single act was intolerable for him. He thinks that England was using them as a money making an item. The tea act, the sugar act, the intolerable acts, stamp act, Townshend acts.
“Those people taxed our everyday item of tea and sugar,” he said to a crowd. Slowly his face reddened with anger.
“And let British soldiers live in their houses,” he said. He said this very loudly, and his face had gotten increasingly red.
“And pay a tax for sending a letter!” he said. His face shaking with anger his ears were filled with smoke and his face looked like fire. He was holding in his anger so much to be polite that it was like holding a