Richard Nixon Achievements

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Pages: 3

Throughout the years, America has had many great presidents. Yet, since George Washington, only one president has ever resigned and left office. President Richard Nixon served from 1969-1974, his term was a great one and had he not resigned he may have even served a second term. What could cause a president to resign and give up his position? Well, for Nixon it was the Watergate scandal and supreme court cases such as New York Times v United States and Nixon v United States. The Watergate scandal shaped Nixon’s presidency and left an impact on America forever.
The American public loved Richard Nixon, or at least they did. During World War II Nixon had served in the Pacific as a Navy lieutenant commander. Upon leaving the service he was elected
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Humphrey and George C. Wallace who was Governor of Alabama. When Richard Nixon was elected, tensions between the United States and nations such as China and the USSR were still growing. Some of Nixon’s most notable achievements included his visits to Beijing and Moscow in 1972, which is where he reduced tensions with China. Alongside his summit meetings with Russian leader Leonid I. Brezhnev, were Nixon and Brezhnev came up with a treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons. Ending our involvement in the Vietnam war and improving relations with other nations were the height of Nixon’s presidency. Though, not long after all of these amazing improvements the Watergate scandal occurred. The scandal came about from a break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee during the 1972 campaign. The break-in was then traced back to officials of the committee to re-elect Nixon. Nixon had become paranoid, he began to tap into officials phones and he even recorded conversations he had inside of the oval office. When this all came to light, Nixon denied any personal involvement in the scandal but he began to sweat when the Supreme Court forced him to hand over all of the recordings in United States v