What is the negative effect of supplements?
As supplements do have many positives within them they also have there negatives as well. Supplements can cause people to get fatigued and unwell after and during the workout it is depended …show more content…
Companies who put claims on their supplements take full advantage that they can put wrong claims on the front of their tubs. As supplements may look like a great idea there comes a great cost with it, everyday foods such as chicken and fish have a great amount of protein within it wouldn’t cost as much as buying a tub of protein. Overconsumption of sports foods such as sports bars over eating normal foods can take a huge impact on the wallet for supplement users, taking these sports bars can also cause dietary imbalances. Taking supplements such as fat-burners without having a suitable diet and a structured exercise program that consists of plenty of aerobic exercise and resistance training would end up being a waste of time and waste of money for the