Executing of the Jews got worse and worse, and if you couldn’t work then you were seen as worthless and would be killed. This meant they went after young children and the old. Sadly their infant daughter Masha ended up dying in the beginning from sickness. But Izzy and Edna still had Jay and decided to try their best to escape the ghetto to save Jay. With the help of Leibel (Izzy’s cousin) they escaped successfully and also with the help of Uncle Itzhak (Edna’s uncle) they hopped farms until finally finding a farm to stay at. On page 100, 2nd paragraph it states “The night after the company went away, Itzhak came and talked the family into keeping us for a while longer. I don’t know how he managed, but he was such a persuasive man. The Gestapo had already been in town looking for Jews. The family’s son-in-law was a policeman, and that gave them some protection, but they were still afraid to be involved. Itzhak proved so persuasive, though, that they couldn’t turn him down. Itzhak