The environment considered as those factors outside the organization which influence strategy. It considers as one of the most difficult part of the analysis, for two main reasons. Firstly the breadth of the analysis required and the uncertainty and ambiguity that exist with many signals that are received from the environment make the interpretation difficult. Secondly, it deals with issues that organization cannot control. We break the environment into two sections, the macro-environment and the industry environment.
Macro-environment concerned with the issue of expected the future of an industry, and the driving forces of that growth (Hubbard, 2004 ). Since we are undertaking strategic analysis, our time frame of analysis should be consistent with our definition of ‘long term’ for our particular industry-probably three to five years. The frameworks that will be used to identify the operating environment of RCLCG are in a series of layers. The macro-environment which is the outest layer of environment analysis. This composes of broad environment factors that impact on almost all company. PESTEl framework will be used to point out the political, economic, social, technological, environment and legal aspects that might affect the company.
Political aspect
State Government: Land and biodiversity white paper * Department of Sustainability and Environment
Australian Federal Government: * Maintain vegetation in mainland. * Protect diversity threaten species
Catchment Management Authority: Environmental Policy
Macedon Range Shire Council
Control direction
Riddells Creek Landcare “micro-level”
Australian Government invest in environmental policy called “One Land-Many Stories” which presents the vision for conserving and managing environment including maintain vegetation in mainland and protect diversity threaten species. First, Land Sector Package for the Clean Energy plan talking about creating a reward for land holders who reduce pollution, protects biodiverse carbon stores and secures environmental outcomes. Second, Caring for our Country plan aims at managing the environment and productive lands through two aspects; sustainable environment which focusing on the community grants for local groups to take action to conserve and protect their natural environment and sustainable agriculture which focusing on food security, management of natural resources and addressing key issues that impact on agriculture production such as weed and pest. The government spend huge amount of money for Caring for our Country which was about $2 billion. In May 2012, the Australian Government claimed that the next five years the funding from these two streams of Caring for our Country will increase to $2.2billion. Community landcare Grants which available through the Sustainable Agriculture is between $5000 and $50000, this will help landcare to take action on building their capacity and skills manage their natural environment and productive lands. In Victoria, the local government aims at maintaining and restoring natural assets. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) plays an important role as a manager and coordinator of state and federal government funding programs involving conservation species and habitat, maintenance productive and sustainable landscape and improvement water quality. There are also funding from state government which called “The Second Generation Landcare Grants (SGLG)” which funded by Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs). CMAs is providing support to landcare which focuses on building a natural resource management (NRM) and on-grounds works. The increase in investment from the federal government results in the increase in effectiveness of the funding systems for CMAs. Rely on this increasing federal funding landcare is in a superior position. Because CMAs is directly supporting