2. What was the time frame of your employment with Rikards-Hayley?
3. At any time during your employment, did Rikards-Hayley have you sign a formal employment contract?
4. Describe other job titles you may have held while employed with Rikards-Hayley.
5. While employed, how long did you hold each position?
6. Prior to taking on the acting manager role, did you have favorable performance reviews?
7. To your knowledge, had there been any complaints made against you by any employee of Rikards-Hayley?
8. When you had taken on the role as the acting manager of the Training and Development department, were you made aware there would be a slight …show more content…
After Ms. Yardley became your supervisor, did you maintain a professional and respectful attitude towards her and the partners?
26. Did you receive any performance evaluations after returning to your previous position in Training and Development?
27. Identify any witness that may have heard Ms. Yardley constantly criticize your work or comment on your appearance as you so alleged in your complaint.
28. Produce any documents that support your allegation of Ms. Yardley constantly criticizing your work or commenting on your appearance.
29. Describe the “deliberate actions that rendered the working conditions intolerable” that forced you to resign.
30. At any time, did you communicate with Mr. Blackwell or any other partner concerning the difficulties you were having with Ms. Yardley?
31. Did defendant, Mr. Blackwell offer to transfer you to another department in honor of your years of loyalty and service?
32. Why did you not accept Mr. Blackwell’s offer to transfer into another department?
33. Do you contend you were fired on the grounds for simply being an amply qualified female that was interested in a management position within Rikards-Hayley?
34. Is there any communication on an electronic device documenting your allegations made against