Ringgold Civil Rights Movement Analysis

Words: 1133
Pages: 5

2a. A historical event that I think influenced Ringgold’s work was racial segregation and the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. It represents the torment of black Americans before and After the civil war. It shows the struggle that she and her community went through trying to have equal rights with those of the white people. The black community was going through a lot at the time fighting for equal rights. Every person should be treated equally no matter their skin color, culture, ethnicity, etc.

2b. The image has an American flag as well as prison bars. I think this means just because you call yourself patriotic doesn’t mean you can’t be racist. The star can be found on many things but since we are talking about racial segregation and the civil rights movement, I would think that the star represents a police or sheriff’s badge. Police are supposed to be known to help provide peace and security but that is not the case for those that are colored. The stripes in the art symbolizes prison bars. She is patriotic and racist at the same time because she is pledging allegiance to the flag but does not agree with black people having civil rights.

2c. The woman in the image is a racist who denies the black people their basic equal rights as well as the right to vote. The woman in the image shows how she is a
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I think the artist created this work because of Dred Scott. He changed his name from Bob Dylan to Dread Scott because of the Dred Scott case. I feel like he was very much inspired by Dred in taking charge and using the first amendment to express his feelings about how he feels. Dred who was a slave sued for his freedom which then turned into a supreme court case. Even though he was suing for human rights the case was actually over property rights since slaves were considered valuable property in the 1800s. People will say America is a patriotic country but how patriotic can it be when a human being has to sue for his own freedom because of where he’s