Multiple men want a single lady, they try to beat each other, it starts out as small things, gradually getting bigger. Until the lady chooses, and from that point forward, the losing men try to take the winner down a peg or two, but some men get murderous. Have thousands of those happening at the same time to an emperor, it starts to incorporate into the culture. Document E shows how the show of power can escalate by saying, “As an Aztec warrior captured more and more prisoners, he was allowed to wear increasingly decorative uniforms, called tlahuiztli, or “suits of honor.”” Having a physical symbol of how high of rank you are, you get seen in a better light if you are high, and if you are low you must get better, because of pride. The flower wars were also a good time to show off individual abilities, as Document D puts it, “To show off individual ability, a flower war was organized so that equal numbers of warriors would fight on each side.” If you survived then many people had seen you and your reputation goes up, and you're a happy