Imagery, when used well, takes advantage of all the reader's senses and builds them into something intense and almost real in their imagination. A prime example of imagery in the poem can be found in this quote: “Sweet scented stuff when the breeze drew across it. And from there those that lifted eyes could count. Five mountain ranges one behind the other. Under the sunset far into Vermont.” (212). This quote clearly states that the poem is set in a rural Vermont area, surrounded by mountains. The sweet scents and the cool breeze are a key factor for understanding how peaceful this place seems to be, before disaster occurs. The time of the day is stated when Frost says, “And nothing happened: day was all but done.” (212). According to this, it is the end of the day. I find this ironic because it is the end of the boy’s work-day, but also the end of his life. Critic, Bill Wiles, mentions that he believes Robert Frost tackled the tension between the perfect world of the magazine photographer and the hard-bitten reality of life on a Vermont