Redmond and his neighboring community. The spikes symbolize Charlie’s love, passion and desire to win and be free but also his background as they are the colour black representing the streets, their poverty and filth. Charlie’s decision to follow a noble path is also shown through his new pair of spikes. Charlie decided he was going to right his wrongs whilst he still could and that he was “gunna do somethin’ respectful.” Page 165. The new spikes also symbolize the way he starts to get a grip on the track/ life, both literally and metaphorically. “I could feel the metal spikes piercing the dirt and pushing me forward. I’d never felt so fast.” Page 197. Charlie’s spikes resembled his growing confidence shown when he bet on himself, portraying to us that he felt he was ready to win his own race with the help from hi past and the thought of his future. Charlie’s spikes represented his difficult and checkered past but also hi love, passion, persistence and his desire to run for himself and his