He does his daily tasks to make the world better, not breaking thumbs, telling a joke or two and even paying off his best friend bar bill. What makes him a hero is that he is a nobody. An ordinary man that names his turtles Cuff and Link and desires a woman that no body seems to notice. His ability to relate is what makes him so attractive to the ordinary eye (Ebert). Rocky is a hero because he pushes the boundaries of the social hierarchy of structure and allows people toe believe that their is a life beyond Philadelphia loneliness. When he finally reaches the top of the steps without any need to slow down or break, it is the moment when the heroism begins to shine. No matter how long it took, how long it seemed he put his faith and his power fist. His story is relatable because of its true to life characteristics. There is one scene in the movie where Rocky has to wake up extremely early to go on a run. In this scene their aren't people sticking their heads out the window or the streets filling all at once. It is quiet and serene it is empty and exactly how it should be at this early hour of the night (Ebert). Rocky mimics the feelings that Stallone has toward the original fight. All of his thoughts and feeling are brought to life in this character and that is what is really important. A character such as Robin Hood is quite similar to the role that Rocky portrays in this film. They are