Roe V. Wade's Argument Against Abortion

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Pages: 5

To many people, a baby is seen as the greatest gift anyone could possibly receive. Because of this largely expressed opinion on unborn children, abortion is one of the most controversial topics that are up for discussion in today’s society. The debate on abortion is unlike any other because of the passion of both supporters and oppositionists. Predominantly in the United States, we have divided ourselves into two strong opinionated groups of people. This separation in opinion has led to a split in identification. Those who believe an abortion is a woman’s choice and constitutional right are considered to be Pro-Choice. Those who oppose this idea because of their personal beliefs would be considered Pro-Life. The separation largely comes from …show more content…
In January of 1973 in the abortion case Roe V. Wade, the United States’ Supreme Court decided in favor of abortion rights, and this decision remains the law of the land to this day. This decision guarantees women certain areas of privacy, which includes their personal decision whether or not to terminate their pregnancy. People who oppose abortion see the procedure as an opportunity for women to escape their potential motherly responsibilities and duties, but I strongly disagree. By making the decision to get an abortion, a woman is taking responsibility and action towards her pregnancy. Many people mistake an abortion as irresponsibility by the woman at hand just because they do not agree with her choice. Abortion is an emotionally tough and expensive procedure far from what some would call “a walk in the park”. Although it is a tough decision to be made, it is a woman’s personal plan of action so to say that said woman is avoiding responsibility would be inaccurate. Many women, including myself, believe that a baby should not come into the world unwanted. Being pregnant is more than just walking around with a growing stomach. Carrying and preparing for a child to arrive requires care and love far before the child will be birthed. When an unexpected and unwanted child is conceived many of the necessary and healthy pregnancy requirements are not met. According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, unintended pregnancies are associated with birth defects, maternal depression, increased risk of child abuse, and many other negative effects. Those who are Pro-Life believe that abortion is not the only way to avoid these risks. They believe adoption can be an alternative. Although that could be an option for some, let’s think about this: there are approximately 415,000 children in foster care on any given day in the United States, many of which never get adopted.