Roman Family Research Paper

Words: 735
Pages: 3

Literary evidence from the councilship family Calpurnia point to the “conventional values of marriage” (G&S 156) affirm the preveliven of the nuclear family. To an extent upholding the nuclear definition of traditional role “Calpurnia's shrewdness and frugality derives from the traditional ideal that husband and wife cooperate in running their house and estate, with the wife taking responsibility for managing the home” (G&S 156). In addition, Pliny who was also from a councilship background texts indicates the role of women because “Pliny praised his wife for the traditional virtues of the household management, for the joint benefit of the family” (G&S 156). Therefore, Roman wives fit the 1960s nuclear domestic wife whose duty to take care …show more content…
The term average Roman family is flawed because there was no average in Roman society as there is no average family today. As was learned in prior lectures, the Roman cities, countrysides and how far the empire extended depended on the influence of Roman culture. In addition, the occupation of the father and status heavily determined the composition of the Roman family. Like today many variables can determine a families appearance, death, divorce and family size determined the family. Similar to the modern definition of extended, it is unusual, but not uncommon to have a blended family. Because of the limited evidence historians have at their disposal, it is difficult to determine the entire family structure. However in the atypical Senatorial family of Tacitus serves as a primary source, but not the …show more content…
It is relevant to determine whether the Roman family was a nuclear family because of the integral structural framework it serves in the study of Roman culture. Where a nuclear family with husband, wife, and child existed. At the foundation however, were still the nuclear family of today, mother, father and child. There could however be immediate family and if one was rich, slaves. This was the understanding of the extended family from before. To be clear, the nuclear family was developed from modern western culture. Therefore the way historians have classified the roman family with an modern lens is vastly different from a Roman family from 2,000 years