Roman Political Corruption

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Pages: 3

Ah, the beauty of Rome. In its glory days, the Roman Empire was huge. It spanned from Rome, to Turkey, across Europe, and all the way to Britain. The Romans had a proud empire with gladiatorial games, multiple stores, restaurants, and bathhouses galore. The people living in Rome had everything they could have dreamed of, and they were happy. Eventually, slowly but surely started to crumble. The decline of Rome was probably caused by political corruption, which may have led to a decline in morals and values, or the people developed a much stronger thirst for games and other distractions. First, the political corruption: It had a domino effect on the Roman Empire.

Political corruption in any civilization is not a good thing at all. Especially in Ancient Rome’s case, when they had to pick a new
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Because of the political system mentioned above, the people could not maintain the morals and values that kept Rome great. That led to a peak in crime. Many violent crimes started surging the streets of Rome (not counting the 32,000 prostitutes in Rome near the end of the Pax Romana). A day wouldn’t go by without having at least one crime committed. The gladiatorial battles lasted all day, and the ground was more often than not soaked with blood. When the ground was soaked with blood, the ancient Romans would put a layer of sand over the ground, so the games could continue without having anyone slip over all the blood. People weren’t treating the games with respect anymore, as the curses of the crowd could be heard over the screams of the gladiators. The gladiatorial games also got bloodier and bloodier, because there were so many battles that had tragic endings, no matter if it was a human that died, or if it was an animal that died. There were also more and more as the decline of morals and values increased, people then started to obtain a much larger thirst for distractions and