Romanov Dynasty Research Paper

Words: 821
Pages: 4

The turn of the twentieth century saw Tsar Nicholas' reign over Russia from the years of 1894-1917 fall at the hands of the Romanovs, causing the collapse of the Romanov Dynasty. There were numerous factors that contributed to the decline of the autocracy, led by Tsar Nicholas II. Nicholas' resistance to creating change caused many problems for Russian society. The Tsar refused to take advice from others as he believed it posed a threat to his authority, which the Tsar feared to a great extent.

The October manifesto in 1905 caused a significant number of effects on the parliament. As a result of the manifesto, the Duma was established. This was a government position for the lower class which aimed to allow the lower class to have a voice in
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Rasputin was a man who became extremely close with the Romanovs, as he claimed himself to be a healer, The Romanovs youngest son Alexis suffered from haemophilia and Rasputin claimed he could heal him. It was clear that Rasputin aided the decline of the Romanovs as even the prime minister asked the Tsar what he was doing, trusting him. In a report, Radinsky stated Rasputin was “a single person threatening to destroy one of the greatest empires in the world.” Rasputin's influence over the Romanovs was so great, that he would tell Nicholas what to do and Nicholas actually listened. This was extremely rare, as the Tsar was known to be incredibly stubborn and only listened to himself. Moreover, Rasputin told Nicholas to fire his uncle from the army and take his place, despite his uncle being the strongest in the army, whereas Nicholas was not nearly as strong and had too many responsibilities back at home to worry about. However, the Tsar listened to Rasputin and fired his uncle, therefore taking his place and ignoring his priorities in Russia, he left to fight in the war, leaving Alexandra responsible for political affairs along with Rasputin as her advisor, putting them both in absolute authority over Russia. However, at this time during the war, Russia was falling apart and Nicholas was being warned about the arising issues, however was doing nothing about it.