Ronald Brump Short Story

Words: 864
Pages: 4

The courtroom of the U.N was filled with tired, angry, frustrated people. They had been arguing over this major issue for days.
“I am against this idea. It won't benefit the world.”, said the opposing nations. “This new technology will save us, the digital verse will bring the world to peace. We need to pass this bill,” screamed president Ronald Brump. “I agree with Ronald Brump’s statement,” said China's leaders. “Hurry up and put it to a vote already. I want to go home,” said a tired delegate. “Let’s put it to a vote,” said the leader of the U.N.
And so they put it to a vote, the worst decision in world history. The votes were close, but the majority stood. “It has been decided. With a vote of 550 to 450 the bill is passed. The future is upon us.” announced news reporters all around the world.
“This will be a great future for the world. This will lead to peace and a new golden age for all the world,” proclaimed Ronald Brump.
That evening the news got around the world. People all over were rejoicing and those opposed to this decision sobbed uncontrollably .
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day, January 10, 2050, the world got to work coding the digital universe and building a new army for the U.N. The digital universe is basically a computer digital world that will control the New army. In this world is the main core where all the files and information are held for the new U.N army. For in our long history, most of the world was working together. Only a few people will be able to access this digital universe. One the new army is completed it will be called U.N Robot Army. A bland name, but an appropriate name since the army is made completely out of machines, robots, and A.I. When this is all complete it will be an technological advanced the world has never seen before Or little did they know, the end of days for