Ronofer Trump Short Story

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Pages: 4

The Treacherous Story of Ranofer Trump
By: Andrew N. #22 and Ryan A. #1

A few years ago, there was a treacherous story of a young lad named Ranofer Trump. He was a 59 year old wrestler. He was a bald man with brown eyes. He was also very muscular. Now, this man had a very kind heart, too. He beat every wrestler, including Tony, Calin Lup, and Kim Kardashian. He also had a very happy life until this one treacherous day. In a Mexican village by the name of Zamora, Ranofer was wrestling. He wrestled his friend, Tony, who has brown eyes with silky brown hair. He was old like Ranofer. He was 47 to be exact. Ranofer destroyed Tony after 2 minutes of wrestling. Ranofer was the best wrestler in his village. So when he went back to the locker room to get a towel, he found a note. It said: My nickname is Edwin. This is the only clue. I will kill your mom if you don't give me 87 billion dollars by the end of the week.
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Next, he suspected Shirly since she owned a lot of weapons. But Ranofer did not know what he was thinking, since Shirly was Mrs. Trump’s best friend. He then tried to go to his manservent, Manu Ginobili, because he really loved money. So, he went to his house and asked Manu some questions. But Ranofer remembered that Manu could only speak Spanish, he could have not written the letter because he doesn't know English. Then, he went to his little brother Chad who was an old sumo wrestlers with a 41-year-old girlfriend named Lucas II. He could not squeeze anything out from his brother. Ranofer then goes to his girlfriend and formed a plan. Their plan was to drop fake money near or in the Ladyfern House. Apparently, he had some fake money in his sock drawer. Both of them then go to Ladyfern Lane. Before they both got there, Grenda excused herself to the restroom. So Ranofer continued