Rony uses Felix-Louis Regnault as a binding part of her analysis as Regnault was one of the filmmakers to use film as evidence. In Rony’s essay, Regnault claimed that using film was a “true scientific inscription” on his filming process he did with African American and their movements, calling it the Exposition Ethnographique de l’Afrique Occidentale of 1895. In this film project, Regnault film African American as they are filmed on how they walk, run “grain-pounding, child carrying, tree climbing …show more content…
He was slightly slouching over a table desk containing the computer and his eyes were glued to it while his fingers were in his mouth and his thumb on his cheek. The student seemed to concentrate on getting his work perfected, carefully analyzes the material he needs to know for his work. I thought that would be the perfect category for this student to be placed in as a