The architecture of this building resembles the dark and ghoulish Gothic style buildings that are in the earlier horror films, such as, The Bride of Frankenstein. This movie is in color, but the colors of this movie are not so bright, they are more on the dull side of the color scheme. However, before the movie even began to start, a woman’s voice appeared as the background music that intends to draw the viewers into this movie. That woman constantly hums the melody, la... La... La, as if she was cradling a baby trying to calm it down, or even put it to sleep. However, this melody by Christopher Komeda, did not sound like a typical baby sound, it was further on the creepy side. This melody sets the tone that something strange will occur in this movie, except the viewers would not know when, until it happens. Therefore, during the beginning of the movie, when the audience finally meet the young couple, Rosemary Woodhouse and Guy Woodhouse, portrayed by Mia Farrow and John Cassavetes, the viewer’s brace them self’s, for that moment when something appears out of nowhere and scares them since this movie is a horror