But, people could also save human lives by curing them if needed. ROVs could save human lives by researching the use to survey underwater volcanoes that are very dangerous and is actually part of global warming. I got some information on livesciencend I also got some more information on dailymail.co.uk. Another reason that ROVs could save human lives is if ROVs were invented when the Pearl Harbor attack happened, they could have saved people who were trapped inside of the ship so they would have not died. I got this information from an article called 70 years later: Pearl Harbor on livescience.com. ROVs could also save human lives because ROVs are able to see and listen very well, measuring temperature, and pressure that humans can’t necessarily can do without certain materials, that they would have to bring with them and would weigh them down and they would not be able to get away as fast if they were trying to escape something dangerous or hazardous. I got this information from a video called Engineering Robots on a website called …show more content…
The ROVs could help bring the 700,000 and tires in the ocean: ROVs helping humans because it would not take them more than 3 years take all of the tiers out of the ocean. If ROVs were invented before Pearl Harbor they could have save lives of people who were trapped inside the sunken ship: This is something that could save human lives because humans could have been saved and could continue in a family chain. Pipeline laying, scuba diving, etc. -threats: These are hazards because the pipelines could bring in bad chemicals and oil, also threats could hurt the fish and plants in the ocean. ROVs essentially are absolutely useful for underwater research because it can find data for underwater hazards, it can save human lives, and it can help people. We can even make back the money by finding artifacts from a long time ago and sell them to museums. Something you might not know is that people take a long time to program a ROV so we can use it for underwater research. ROVs are essential, but questions people might ask about ROVs is, what are ROVs, how do they help us, or what are they even for?, well I have answers for you and why they are essential for human