Rube Goldberg Motivation

Words: 499
Pages: 2

Competency: Motivating Others
Developmental Needs: I was able to apply motivational techniques during my group’s development of our Rube Goldberg machine. I have been in very few situations where I had the opportunity to motivate others to complete a task. Early in the semester I was having difficulty getting our group members together. I found that nobody in the group wanted to be proactive and complete this very complicated task early. I needed to use what I had learned about motivation to encourage our group to organize and complete the project.
Course Material: I used the motivation-performance section from the six elements of an Integrative Motivation Program (page.270) to help motivate my group members to begin the process of building our Rube Goldberg Machine. While I did not need to use all the steps in the program, I just needed to motivate my group members to reach the performance stage.
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Using the information within the text, my first action was to establish clear goals and performance expectations for each group member. I emailed my group members to offer a time for everybody to meet. I wanted to set expectations between all members and found that the Gnatt chart was an effective vehicle to delegate tasks. I based these expectations on my previous experience in making a Rube Goldberg machine. I offered my expectations on what I thought were equal between members. I believed that these goals were specific, consistent and fair based on how we distributed our team member’s expectations. The second step was to remove organizational obstacles, more specifically organizing time when none our schedules conflicted with one another’s. This was done by our group collectively by deciding to meet after our seminar to discuss