Ayn Rand was a Russian American novelist. She wrote the book called “Anthem”. The book was published in 1938. Anthem is set in the future where mankind has entered a dark age. The city in anthem has numerous rules and controls. These rules exist because there is need for equality, there is no individualism, and to maintain power. The first reason the city has these rules is because there is no individualism. In this society, there is no “I”. Every single citizen must use the word “we”. By saying…
Words 216 - Pages 1
In this story there are many rules and controls. The rules in Anthem are there to make sure that everyone is treated equally. In the city the people are not to have affairs with anyone. They are supposed to follow a strict protocol to live their lives in a peaceful manor. These rules indirectly show collectivism in a rude way which caused a rise in lack of individualism. The citizens in the city in Anthem were expected to follow every single rule existing in that society, or else they would receive…
Words 766 - Pages 4
When one reads even the first paragraph of Ayn Rand’s “Anthem”, it is difficult to not immediately draw a connection to the multiple communist regimes throughout history. Multiple connections can be drawn, and external evidence can be used as well. Ayn Rand was very opposed to collectivism, and in turn, communism. She even designed a philosophy that directly opposes it. The idea that shall be expanded on in this essay is simple. The world of “Anthem” is essentially an elegant critique of collectivism…
Words 445 - Pages 2
Ayn Rand Essay Anthem was written by Ayn Rand in 1937 to illustrate the horrors of collectivism to western civilizations. In the book, Ayn Rand does a great job forewarning those countries of the dangers of collectivism. Also, the book itself thoroughly gives a real sense of what it would be like to live in a society that practices those things by controlling the citizens through numerous rules and controls. Why do the numerous rules and controls exist in the city in the book Anthem? Firstly, the…
Words 422 - Pages 2
fictional world that encompasses the novel Anthem, written by Ayn Rand in 1937, is written about a communist world where the government controls everyone and everything. The communist government that Ayn wrote about was due to her knowing first-hand how terrible communism can be; she wanted to show the horrendous events that could transpire if our country adapted to communist ideas. Ayn Rand’s ideas of communism are directly articulated in her novel. Ayn and her family lived under a communist government…
Words 687 - Pages 3
assignments, and having no freedoms. This is how a very intelligent man witnessed most of his life. Ayn rand’s novella of Anthem is a story based on the life of a citizen named, Equality 7-2521 trying to find his own sacred freedom in a strict, orderly society. Equality and his brothers lived under a totalitarian government with brutal rules and controls they must follow or face punishment. Specific Rules that Equality experienced included treating all citizens the same, living for eachother, not being…
Words 164 - Pages 1
In Ayn Rand’s novel, Anthem, the City had numerous rules and controls that exist for one purpose. This purpose is power and order. Equality’s new society will be structured to have many differences to the rules and controls to that of the city. Equality will base his community off of his very foundation of belief, which is hate for his previous life; Equality 7-2521 will be fair, not equal. The City in Anthem creates these rules to have power and order. Without these rules, the community believes…
Words 576 - Pages 3
The fictional society represented in the dystopian book, Anthem, written by Ayn Rand has many parallels and similarities to the country of North Korea. Ayn Rand was known for sponsoring her philosophy of Objectivism through courses, lectures and literature. Rand soon refined her philosophy of what she termed "Objectivism": a belief in an existing reality, from which individuals can distinguish existing truths, and the ultimate moral value of the pursuit of self-interest. Although she battered criticism…
Words 1643 - Pages 7
many works of dystopian literature such as the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Anthem by Ayn Rand, and Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut. Having freedom and full control over oneself, having healthy interactions and connections with others, and truly understanding and accepting oneself is what makes humans truly happy. For humans, it is very desirable and significant for most to have freedom and full control over themselves, as it is an essential part of their path to happiness. One…
Words 862 - Pages 4
the dystopian setting of Ayn Rand’s Anthem, the human spirit is enslaved and oppressed. Living under a totalitarian dictatorship, all people are obligated to live unselfishly. Beneath this collectivist regime, everyone lives a life of servitude and dependence on one another. There is no individuality, no identity, no sense of self, no word “I”. Taking its place is the word “WE”, emphasizing the collective body that encompasses all. In order for the State to maintain control over its subordinates, it…
Words 457 - Pages 2