Russian-Chechen Armed Conflict Essay

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Pages: 4

Here on my background essay, I want to write an essay about Russian-Chechen Armed Conflict. Before entering into the background, this is some information about this conflict. Russian-Chechen armed conflict occurs in 11 December 1994 until 31 August 1996 and these conflict located in Chechnya, Russian Federation. In this armed conflict the parties involved is between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. In the Soviet era, about hundreds of ethnic given each area which has some special provincial rights. And after the fall of the Soviet Union, some of this region want autonomy, or to be separated from Russia. From all the regions in Russia only two areas that were not signed this agreement is Chechnya and Tatarstan. But then in 1994, Tatarstan finally signed a special agreement that provides broad …show more content…
Although it only has a little time to prepare for military operations, on December 11, 1994 Russian troops entered Chechnya region from the north, west, and east (History, 2010). Russian forces plan to take over back in the Republic of Chechnya within a few hours, but it turns out they encountered resistance very hard. Russian tanks bombarded with projectiles from grenade launchers and Russian troops were still alive into captivity. The war in the plan predicted would only occur for a few hours it was missed from the plan and lasts for one year more. After successfully invaded Grozniy city, the capital of Chechnya, Russian forces began to mass cleaning the Chechen rebels. The shooting continued use of warplanes and artillery. The destruction of the city that happened was horrible. Based on a rough calculation These armed conflict has caused great misery. the number of civilian casualties who died reached tens of thousands of people. meanwhile, thousands of Russian soldiers and Chechen rebels were killed (Global Security,