Hutu are generally short and thick set with a big head, a jovial expression, a wide nose and enormous lips, while the Tutsi are very tall and thin. They have fine features including a high brow, thin nose, and fine lips framing beautiful shining teeth (Prunier 6). The Tutsi women are usually lighter-skinned than their husbands, very slender and pretty in their youth, however, they thicken with age (Prunier 6). The Tutsi had an “absolutely distinct origin from the negroes” which they considered as belonging to an absolutely inferior order” (Prunier 8). The Europeans were quite smitten with the Tutsi, whom they saw as definitely too fine to be “negroes.” Since they were not only physically different from the Hutu, but also socially superior (Prunier 6). Therefore, the Tutsi are highly superior compared to the Hutu and are known for “prettier”