Ryerson Hub Cafeteria Case Study

Words: 1682
Pages: 7

To understand how food premises operate under Ontario Regulations, we were given the opportunity to conduct an inspection using the risk categorization of food premises. The inspection was completed at the Ryerson Eats Hub Cafeteria. Ryerson Eats complies with the Ontario Food Premise regulations, Regulation 562: Food Premises, along with other legal requirements (Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2015). These regulations intend to diminish the exposure of foods that are unsafe for humans to consume. This essay will provide an overview of the Ryerson Hub cafeteria. It will then be followed by an examination of the function and purpose of the risk categorization process. Furthermore, this essay will provide a breakdown of the risk category …show more content…
Referring to figure 1, Ryerson’s Hub does not serve the listed vulnerable populations. Therefore, the cafeteria did not get a score in section 1. The inspection began in the Hubs’ office where all the necessary certifications, WHIMIS material and documents were visible to the staff. This was closely accompanied by a First Aid Kit that could easily be accessed. The quality assurance binder was on a main shelf along with the HACCP regulations for employees to refer to. All binders were clearly labelled to locate important food handling procedures, stock rotation of the food and even detailed information on the foods shelf life. The staff usually conducted bi-weekly meetings where a single procedure is chosen for review of its importance. This ensures that the staff are fully aware of all principles and procedures enshrined in the HACCP binder. If the staff have questions regarding safe food handling practices; they are encouraged to refer to the written documents for further clarification or to management. Since there are staff meetings where the staff review Ontario’s protocols, this resulted in a deduction of five scores in section 6 of the risk categorization