SWOT Analysis: Homeland Security Assessment

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Pages: 2

How would conduct/complete the Organizational Overview? Why is completing the Organizational Overview the first step and why is it so critical to the Homeland Security Assessment process?
The Baldrige Criteria is used when conducting a Homeland Security Assessment for an organization. Within this particular assessment and manual use there is eight (8) steps listed that are suggested for a positive implementation of the assessment (Fisher, 2013).
The first step that is being discussed here will be the organizational overview, which is considered the starting point for this assessment and delivers the organization a glimpse of where they at as it relates to their homeland security plans before the team begins the evaluation. This process is to be
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Homeland Security Assessment
7. Trends/Improvements for Homeland Security
Within the seven (7) topics I feel like Topic #7 subsection 7.1, the following items listed should be listed as an item great importance. Organizational Challenges, Competitive Environment, Strategic Challenges, and Performance Challenges (Fisher, 2013). Many organizations currently preform SWOT analysis, which is a structured plan, used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization; it has many of the same functions but is used as a stand-alone plan ("SWOT Analysis," n.d.).
The organizational overview is very critical to the Homeland Security Assessment process, to make a proper assessment, the team must first know everything about the organizations makeup, from the top to bottom, the vision, as well as the mission and values of that particular organization. You must be able to evaluate internal as well as external partners, ongoing homeland security activities and training, prior assessments, and any suggested improvements. Lastly you must be able to list and evaluated Organizational Challenges, Competitive Environment, Strategic Challenges, and Performance Challenges and plan for those (Fisher,