Saboteurs Analysis

Words: 769
Pages: 4

Analysis of power of saboteurs
1. Telling myself that my goal is impossible.
2. Surrounding myself around a bunch of cigarette smokers.
3. Going out drinking because drinking alcohol triggers me to smoke cigarettes.
Above I have listed the three thoughts and or behaviors that I thought would sabotage me in achieving my goal. I found that while they some of these behaviors and or thought might have made my goal a little more difficult to attain they did not sabotage me. The night I went out with friends I slipped up and had a cigarette, but nobody forced me it was my choice. Actually, my friends did there best to not smoke around me. The hardest time of day to resist the urge to smoke was in the morning when I woke up and no one was around.
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It is always easier to do what everyone else is doing but to go against what the majority is doing is usually the hardest acts to change. In my case majority of my friends’ smoke cigarettes and my father smokes whom I live with. I found my will power to quit the action was strong and that is what allowed me to make the change. Personally, I do not like thinking I cannot accomplish a task so a big push for me to not smoke was the thought of failure. The rewards were beneficial for me because it worked out that one of my favorite DJs came into town the week of my change so to go see the DJ I knew I had to complete my behavioral change …show more content…
Prior to doing this project I didn’t have any knowledge about the 50% rule and I found that to be a very helpful part of the project. The 50% rule made it so when I did slip up I didn’t feel like I failed at the entire project but had a minor setback that I would recover from and it was already expected to happen. I learned I was not physically addicted to cigarettes but psychologically addicted and that an be just as hard of an addiction to quit. Though with the proper motivation and amount of will power you can do anything you set your mind to.
Statement of future intentions I would definitely try another behavioral change project in the future if I have a behavior I wish to change. I found this project to be a good, healthy way to quit a behavior or action without stressing yourself out too much about making the change. I think this is a good way to approach making a change in your life that I will forever use.
What you would do differently next time
I did not find anything I would do differently in the future. I greatly enjoyed this project and the health benefits I received from participating in