Saint Bridget Research Paper

Words: 269
Pages: 2

How would you feel if God did a miracle for you? Saint Bridget was born around the year 450. She was born in Ireland. Her father was named Duptace. He was an Irish lord. She helped the less fortunate. Saint Bridget gave a whole pail of milk to a homeless man. She thought her mother would not like what she had done, so she prayed to God and asked him to refill the pail. God refilled the pail. Saint Bridget’s father expected her to marry. She realized she was pretty and prayed to be less pretty. God granted her wish. Her father, seeing that she was now ugly, allowed her to become a nun. After Saint Bridget became a nun, she became pretty again (Catholic). She died around the year 525. Her feast day is February 1st (CatholicNewsAgency). Saint