Saint Catherine Research Paper

Words: 2219
Pages: 9

“ You, eternal Trinity, are a deep sea. The more I enter you, the more I discover, and the more I discover the more I seek you.”
-Saint Catherine of Siena Saint Catherine of Siena was born on March 25, 1347. She was the youngest of 25 children and grew up in Siena, Italy ( Saint Catherine is the patron saint of Europe, firefighters, sickness, miscarriages, temptation, nurses, and piety. She was born along with a twin sister who sadly did not withstand birth ( Her father called her Katrina ( A time of disturbance in the Catholic church greatly affected her life. Her life is dedicated to the sick and poor ( “If you are what you should be, you will set
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“This plague started in Asia [,but] traveled to Europe [with] rat-infested Italian ships trading goods across the Mediterranean Sea” ( Ultimately the Black Death pandemic killed about 75 million people ( "No priests can be found who are willing, whether out of zeal and devotion or in exchange for a stipend, to take on the pastoral [care] of the sick.... Many people are dying without the Sacrament of Penance. Rome announced an emergency relaxation of canonical law, permitting the dying to confess aloud to God or to any person who would listen, “even” to a woman” ( Catherine voluntarily aided many victims of the Black Death or those showing symptoms of it ( Of course she did not save many lives, but her care for the ill is graciously recognized. This is one reason she is the patron saint of sickness and nurses …show more content…
St. Catherine was canonized by Pope Pius II in 1461 ( She was named patron saint of Italy, of which there are only two, by Pope Pius the XII on May 5th, 1940 ( She was also the named co-patron saint of Rome in 1886. On October 1, 1999, Pope John Paul II declared St. Catherine, Saint Edith Stein, and Saint Bridget patron saints of England. She was named Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970, by Pope Paul VI ( The people of Sienna adored her so much, they stole her head from Rome and returned it to St.Catherine’s birthplace ( Three lessons I learned from my saint are solitude, courage, and patience. In my opinion, Saint Catherine exemplifies these virtues perfectly. I’ve learned that solitude is not being lonely, courage doesn't mean lack of fear, and that things take time to flourish. I know that I need to take these virtues seriously. I admire Saint Catherine for her ability to demonstrate these virtues, without questioning her