Salphie's POV: A Short Story

Words: 2206
Pages: 9

Salphie’s POV:

“Oi lass, are you trying to get yourself killed?,” asked the annoyingly, worried bothersome no good very bad- well, best friend, if you may call it, directing the question to no other person than me. He always acts as if I’m a uncontrollable, wild adult animal. Which I guess is appropriate in this situation but I’d prefer to think that I am the most grown-up adult that there is on this planet. Anyway, I’m Salphie, 20 years old, ectera ectera. I could go on for days (or even years in this case) about who I am and where I come from but we all don’t have the right amount of time for that. I was attempting to borrow a boat or at least a ship so I could sail away from this evil thing we call school or college. Usually I’d just loot my friend’s pocket for the keys (while he’s snoozing away of course) of the SL, a boat at the college’s dock, and just sail away. He had taught me a while ago on using the boat for emergencies, like speeding away from pesky invading aliens (which sadly, won’t ever happen,
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Ever since she’s done this routine of hers to drive out to the ocean to take a stress break, I’ve always prepared snacks for her in the boat, and checked the weather just in case it’d turn out bad. It was one of those bad days today. I tried talking her out of attempting to go out to the ocean because there was a storm, and man, she is very stubborn. I was surprised at myself that I had managed to persuade Salphie into staying, but she was distracting in general. It was not at all hard to spot her in a crowd, red untamed curled locks, beautiful green eyes with spots of hazel, and freckles that look especially well as an accent. She was wearing a raincoat jacket, a red blouse, and skinny light blue jeans that were cropped at the bottom. After we talked about the whole boat situation, Salphie promised that she wouldn’t go out on the boat and she made me promise that