Samenvatting Boek Book Review

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Samenvatting boek : Confessions of an advertising man

Confessions of an advertising man, a book by David Ogilvy. The essence of this book is basically to give you guidelines on how you should make an advertising campaign. But it is so much more than that. David gives the reader an insight in his life, how he made his own advertising agency and how he became a successful businessman. He has written it to educate people not only how to adverse but also how the be a better person.

The first chapter is how to manage an advertising agency. David begins with comparing it to his first job as a chef in Paris. He talks about his boss and the ways in which he inspired his employees to be the best they could be. He did this by hardly ever praised
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David states that the first clients are the harder to get. But after people see that you are doing good, the companies will start looking for you. Only take clients in who you believe, you should never advertise a product that you would not buy yourself.

Equally as important, if not more important, he goes on with how to keep clients. If you can’t keep your clients on a long term your agency will collapse, David describes it as a sickening spectacle. To avoid this he gives a few guidelines in his book. For example, not to take clients who change agencies on a regular basis.

The next chapter in the book is how the be a good client. This gives us an insight on how the client should behave to have a good working relationship with the agency and in the long run, good advertising campaigns. First of all, they should select the right agency for their company as well as give them all the information they need. If the advertising agency doesn’t know anything about the product they are supposed to advertise they won’t be able to make a good campaign. Also very important is that they should not try to compete with the agency in the creative area. The company hired the agency to make creative advertisements, not to do the creative for them and then force it upon the agency. And last but not least is to make sure that the agency is able to make a profit. The agency won’t put their best men on the campaign is you don’t pay them enough. To quote