But, by rearranging my sleeping schedule and coming up with a “bedtime routine” these problems can be resolved. To begin, If the bedroom thermostat is set “between 60 and 67 degrees… (Lamott) the cool air will make it much easier to sleep. Personally, I can not sleep in a hot room because I wake up overheated multiple times. It has been said not to “watch TV or work in your bedroom; you want your brain to think of the room as only for sleep” (Lamott). If I stay up too late watching TV in my room or working on homework; it “trains” my brain to believe that the bedroom is a working environment. When work and TV are done/watched in another area, I will hope to find better results. Eliminating things such as, “bright lights… [and] disturbing sounds as well” (Lamott) can result in better sleeping patterns. Trying to sleep with lights and loud noises will interfere with how deeply I sleep. Sleeping with soothing noises like fans and humidifiers will be more likely to improve my sleeping pattern and allow for a more in depth night's rest. A humidifier would improve my sleep drastically because it would help me breathe at night and prevent humid