Sara Garcia Research Paper

Words: 1417
Pages: 6

Power…perhaps Sara Garcia’s biggest desire and the star in most of her dreams. There is nothing she would love more than to sit in the highest chair of them all, as ruler of the most powerful country of the free world…the United States of America. Sara is a 30 year old Space Engineer who works for the National Space Program and lives in Pasadena, California. She is quite the beauty, with cropped chocolate locks that compliment her striking blue eyes and perfectly contoured cheeks. She works out regularly to maintain her physique and has always made a point of keeping her hair short, a testament of her tomboy personality. Astronomy is a largely male-dominated field and Sara has only just managed to settle in at her workplace. Despite all of the barriers that have been set in her way, she has fought her way to a respectable position in the program and refuses to let anyone topple her over. Beautiful, intelligent, accomplished, Sara seems like quite the enviable modern woman but, she is far from it. Ruthless, cunning and hungry are more accurate adjectives to describe the San Diego Native, who has made …show more content…
He is 6ft 3, 230 pounds of lean, delicious muscle with a perfectly carved face fit for a Disney Prince. Jake is friendly and easy going but underneath that calm demeanour, is a man fiercely passionate about his work. Ever since he was a five year old boy, living in the suburbs of Sydney with his parents, both Medical Doctors, Jake knew he wanted to become an astronaut and he never gave up his dream until it was realised. His parents were not fans of his career choice at first but his tenacity and passion won them over eventually. Jake is not fully aware of Sara’s true personality and for now, is enamoured by her “charming” personality and her fierce approach to her