I didn’t realize the true humanity of society until I witnessed it in action. When catastrophe strikes, humans quickly shift from selfish to selfless. We witness an outpouring of love immediately following a hurricane. Local churches and national associations form relief funds. Police forces and fire departments work tirelessly to reunite broken families and save people trapped under debris. People donate blankets, clothes, and toiletries. Ordinary citizens travel to the affected area to volunteer their time to help strangers who lost everything. But, humans are naturally wired to be competitive. We compete in school, for jobs, for almost everything. However, after a hurricane, people come together to fight against the common enemy. One might ask why this sudden change in heart occurs, almost systematically. Some say it’s to make them feel better about themselves and others suggest it’s because we realize the insignificance of what consumes us once a hurricane gives us a necessary reality check that material objects are so easily destroyed by nature. In simpler terms, we forget about the small things in life such as our studies, our