"Don't Create Virtual Sanctuaries for Criminals" state almost the exact opposite. Hosko's impression is when companies develop secure virtual sanctuaries to attract ordinary everyday Americans, it also attracts criminal types and terrorist who wish to destroy and harm innocent …show more content…
Public perceptions of what law enforcement agencies are capable of doing is often misguided and distorted when it comes to technology. By companies creating advanced encryption devices it makes it harder on law enforcement to break through these devices when perusing criminal cases. His perception is that encryption delays law enforcements response to potential threats and can result in more injured and dead Americans. He goes on to state that those who wish to harm our nation are those who learn from others mistakes, especially when it comes to technology. He also feels that one cannot assume that the government is always bad. Or that they cannot trust the government, he feels it is much more complicated than that. Bottom line in his opinion is that by creating "technological fortresses" it creates obstacles for law enforcement individuals to protect innocent lives. Finally, he thinks in the debate between individuals privacy and law enforcement's; law enforcement needs to intrude in cases of crime otherwise the door is left open to put American at