School Shooting Research Paper

Words: 705
Pages: 3

Imagine sitting in a classroom laughing with your friends and suddenly hear a gunshot. This is what thousands of students each year have to face. School shootings in America have become a big issue, they have devastating impacts on students, families, and even communities. The effects of school shootings extend way beyond just losing a loved one, or scars and trauma for survivors. Recently, this issue has drastically increased. It seems like every month we get a new alert about a school shooting somewhere in the US. No student should have to worry about whether or not their education will be affected by the threat of a school shooting. Examining the causes of shootings is important to find solutions to this bigger issue and by working together …show more content…
The frequency of school shootings is also a big issue. It raises a lot of questions about the safety and security of schools. One way we can prevent school shootings is through gun control. We can implement background checks and psychological evaluations that you must complete before purchasing a firearm. Making stricter laws like this will entirely make it harder for potential school shooters to access these firearms.Most other countries have strict regulations for accessing guns and those countries also have fewer school shootings. By reducing the number of weapons in the United States, we can make it harder for potential offenders to obtain guns. Additionally, gun control measures can also prevent guns from being used in other crimes like gang violence or illegal firearm trafficking. By implementing gun control, we can ultimately create safe environments for children to learn without being anxious about school shootings. Another way to end school shootings is by closing loopholes. There are major loopholes in the gun sale system; one major loophole is the private sale