even drive a person crazy. People always deal with these issues differently. Some manage
to deal with these feelings and continue on with their lives while others are unable to
overcome them. In “Brian The Still Hunter” by Susanna Moodie, Brian is overcome by
his feelings of isolation and alienation. Isolation and alienation can occur for many
reasons, not only from feelings of loneliness, fear or helplessness but also from the
alienation of society, the people closest to you and one’s self. Brian feels alone and
alienated for many reasons. Brian is not pleased with his life which creates a feeling of
extreme alienation. Brian is alienated because of his drinking, his self rejection,and his
suicide attempt and not only Brian’s drinking alienates him in many ways as he goes on drinking sprees for
weeks at a time: Arter being on the spree for a week or two, he would take fits of
remorse and return home to his wife (page 342). These drinking sprees alienate him from his wife. When Brian is drinking, he becomes
Confrontational: Brian was an awful passionate man, and when the liquor was in and the
wit was out, as savage and quarrelsome as a bear (page 341).
No one wants to be a round him because he always wants to fight and even when he
win the fight he is still miserable. Brian alienates himself by drinking, for years he would go off on drinking binges
and not go home for days or sometimes weeks on end. He did not see his family and
friends during this time. Brian would go into the woods and drink by himself, this got to
be to much for him. Brian is not happy with his life. He asks Layton to come down to the
water with him where he runs off from Layton. Thankfully, Layton follows him to see
what he is doing: And by the Lord Harry, if I did not find him, upon my landing on the
opposite shore, lying wallowing in his blood with his throat cut (page 343).
He can not handle his life anymore. He does not like waking up having these feelings of
isolation and alienation and he attempts to commit suicide. Even after he is saved
from his initial suicide attempt, he keeps trying to kill himself. Layton gets him back into
the boat and is trying to get him home to get medical attention: made several attempts
to throw himself in the water (page 343). Brian alienates himself from Layton by doing
this as Layton gets upset with him and threatens to kill Brian if he does not lay still:
You’ve done mischief enough already by cutting your weasand! If