There are a number of policies relevant to staff in the school:
1. The Assessment, Feedback and Marking Policy is relevant to staff because, effective assessment provides the information needed to improve learning and teaching to raise standards across the school. Clear learning objectives ensure that the children are taught appropriate skills and knowledge within each lesson. Regular feedback is given to parents and children in the form of parent teacher consultations twice a year, a written report, verbal communication with them and in the form of constructive comments, stickers and house points when marking work.
2. The Recruitment Policy is relevant to staff because, they will always follow the guidelines issued in The Children’s Act 1989, UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child, Children and Young People: Rights To Action (2004) and All Wales Child Protection Procedure. These documents set out clear guidelines on all stages of the recruitment process in regards to safeguarding children and must be consulted when a vacancy in school becomes available. All staff that are appointed to work in school have a criminal records search called a CRB check. This search highlights people who have had a criminal record or if previous allegations have been made against them. If staff are found to have a criminal record the appointment is reconsidered by the Head teacher and Governing Body.
3. The Supply Teachers Policy relates to staff because it gives basic information for a supply teacher on who’s who, the daily routine, who to speak to if you have a question/ problem, fire procedure etc. It also sets out guidelines for supply teachers in regards to rewards and sanctions, evaluations and marking work. It also states that all supply staff must sign in when they enter the building and sign out on leaving the building, they are expected to read the school’s safeguarding procedures and wear a visitor’s badge.
There are also a number of policies relevant to pupil welfare in the school:
1. The Behaviour Management Policy is relevant to pupil welfare as it outlines guidelines for children in the playground and around the school e.g. we always use people’s names. All adults should be called by their surname and for everyone’s safety, always walk in school and always walk on the left. The emphasis of this policy is on raising achievement through a reward system so that all children are safe, happy and motivated to do their best while behaving appropriately at all times.
2. The Homework Policy is relevant to pupil welfare as they consider that learning at home is an essential part of the child’s education. Homework reinforces learning in the classroom, develops the skills and attitudes the child will need for successful, independent lifelong learning and supports the effective partnership between school and home. It outlines hat pupils are responsible for undertaking any homework set and remembering to take home and return to school all books and equipment needed to complete a specific task.
3. The Anti-bullying Policy is relevant to pupil welfare as it is the schools aim to create a mutually caring relationship between all members of the school community. It is the responsibility of all members of the community to eradicate bullying by developing structures and following procedures to prevent and deal with bullying incidents. The policy clearly sets out the approach for dealing with serious inappropriate behaviour. The policy also sets out the strategies to be followed, how they will be implemented and give a mechanism for monitoring and reviewing effectiveness.
4. The