Essay Science: Sun and Stars

Submitted By Robert11122
Words: 4737
Pages: 19

Rob White
Science Project

Science Essay questions

#2 Here are a few stars of many we know about. Bernard's star is 6.0 light years away and has a surface temperature of 3,134k. It also has a mass of 286.4E27 kg. Another star is Ross 154," which is 9.4 light years away and with a mass of 0.17 and a temperature of 3,340. You might ask, how do we know all this stuff about them. Well with the technology they use nowadays, we could tell almost anything about the star. Some of the technology they use includes, telescopes, satellites, and computers also. Telescopes can help us zoom in on a star or planet and find out more information about whats on it or what it looks like. Satellites can record information and record video of anything in space. Computers on the satellite can record the information the satellite receives and can send it back to the computers on earth. Satellites can have distant measures and even heat readers, enabling us to record how far away or how Hot that object or thing is. There is some info on a few stars and some technology they use to find out the information about them.

#3 Main Sequence stars- The central band of stars on the Hertzsprung- Russel diagram. The stars energy comes from nuclear fusion. The hotter they are, the brighter they are. Dwarf Stars- Small stars, up to 20 times larger than the sun. They are about 18 light years away from earth. Yellow Dwarf- Small Main sequence stars. Between 5,300 and 6,000 K. Red Dwarf- Small,cool,and vary faint main sequence star. Red Giant- Old star that is 100 times bigger than it was originally. 20 times as massive as sun. 600 light years from Earth. White dwarf- Vary small, vary dense hot star that is mostly made of carbon. The star is what remains after a red giant star looses it's outer layers. It is about 100,000 K. Blue Giant- Blue star, huge, vary hot. It is a post main sequence star that burns helium. Cepheid Variable-Stars that regularly pulsate in size and change in their brightness. May not be permanently variable. It may be just an awkward phase that the star is going through. X-Ray Binary Star- Special type of star in which one of the stars is a collapsed object such as a white dwarf, neutron star or even a black hole. Eclipsing binary- Two closed stars that appear to be a single star with varying brightness. Binary star- A system of two stars that rotate around a center of mass. Double star- Two stars that happen to appear to be close to one another in the sky. Pulsar- A rapidly spinning neutron star and emits energy in pulses. Neutron star- Very small and super dense. It is composed of mostly tight packed neutrons. Brown dwarf- It is a star with mass that is too small to have nuclear fusion occur at its core. They are not very luminous. Super Giant- Largest type of star known and some are almost as large as our entire solar system. When they die they super nova and become black holes.

Rob white


Planets- An object that orbits a star, large enough to have its own gravity.

Moons- The earths natural satellite.

Stars- A ball of gas, primarily hydrogen, and helium.

Galaxies- A huge group of single stars, star systems (etc.)

Nebula- A large cloud of gas and dust in space.

The universe- The totality existence, including planets, stars, galaxies, (etc.)

Solar system- The system consisting of the sun and the planets and other objects that move around it.

Asteroid- One of the rocky objects revolving around the sun that are too small and numerous to be considered planets.

Meteor- A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in the Earth's atmosphere.

meteorite- A meteoroid that passes through the Earth's atmosphere and hits Earth.

Meteoroid- A chunk of rock or dust is space generally smaller than an asteroid.

Comets- A loose