These institutes allowed people to gather, exchange, and debate ideas of new science and separated discussion of science from religion or politics. All of this new science created a conflict between science and religion, as the new scientific theories did not align with the Bible and the major question was whether the ultimate authority would be scientists or church authorities. Because of this conflict, the church placed Copernicus’ book on the Index of Forbidden Books. Galileo, who had been advocating for Copernicus’ heliocentric views, agreed not to advocated for the truthfulness of heliocentric theories, but to simply present their possibility. Then, in 1632, Galileo published Dialogue in the Two Chief World Systems, defending the truthfulness of heliocentric theories, prompting the pope to order an investigation. Galileo was put on trial for disobeying church mandate in 1633 and was placed under house arrest. In addition, Blaise Pascal sought to keep religion and science separate and strengthened traditional beliefs to counter science. He declared that only reasoning of the heart and a leap of faith can prevail, that there were 2 essential truths in Christianity: that a loving God exists and that humans are corrupt by nature and therefore untrustworthy of God, and that it is in your self-interest to believe in God. The main reasons for resolution between science and religion were the belief that both the Bible and nature were