Scott O Dell's Island Of The Blue Dolphins

Words: 351
Pages: 2

Lilah Clark Mrs. Wozniak 5th Grade 3-25-24 The Ship To many, a soccer ball is just a soccer ball. But to a soccer player, it could mean so much more. In Scott O’Dell’s historical fiction, Island of the Blue Dolphins, ordinary things mean so much more to some people. For example, some people think a canoe is just a canoe. But to Karana, it shows how she tried to escape the island at one point. (pg 60-66) A ship is more than just a ship in the story. It is how Karana got trapped on the island and how she escaped/left the island. Many sailors ride on ships everyday, but do they really stop to think about what a ship really means? A ship is a boat that is made out of wood, steel, etc. that is made for people to transport things across the world,