Since I have been a little girl, I have always loved animals, and I am an activist for them. I have always loved going to Sea World in Orlando, Florida, and I have been there many times. I always enjoyed going there, especially since Sea World helps with the conservation for marine life. Unfortunately, this trip would be different though. It was my sixth grade year and my two best friends and I took a trip to Sea World. After a long, fun-filled day, we retired back to our room, because the next day …show more content…
One comes to find out later in the documentary that Sea World is partly to blame for this mass murder. The documentary is narrated by Rick O Barrry, who was the first person to capture a dolphin and put it in captivity He also trained all the dolphins for the movie and television series Flipper. He is the one who uncovers the truth about how Sea World operates. What happens is the dolphins are rounded up in a cove, and dolphin trainers from around the world come a pick out and purchase the dolphins they want to train. The ones who are not chosen are slaughtered in the cove, and become food for us to eat. This is true. You think your buying fish at the grocery or from a restaurant, but really your eating high mercury containing dolphin because the meat is so cheap. The ages range from the tiniest baby dolphin to the oldest dolphins because the killers do not have an age requirement. It is horrible to know that Sea World keeps these people in business. The horror, unfortunately, does not stop there. It begins again when the dolphins now have to perform for the general public. Dolphins communicate by sound, so that makes them very sensitive to vibrations and sound. The slight hum of a water pump to purify their tank can put them under high stress. They also have to consciencesly take a breath, so when life becomes too unbearable for them to bear, they can commit suicide. We are also to blame for their death. We buy that ticket to watch the show; we are contributing to this multimillion dollar