Sector 8: A Short Story

Words: 1805
Pages: 8

“As of 0900 the Government has announced that Sector 8’s lab has been compromised and all experiments have escaped. Six scientists have been confirmed dead and four remain unaccounted for.” Allie’s blood ran cold and she quickly glanced over at Vanessa for a brief moment before returning her focus on the radio news program. “The Admiral urges all civilians not to approach any suspicious wildlife and to stay indoors for the next 24 hours while troops are sent to clean up and locate all of the experiments. Now to Dan for the weather forecast…” Allie reached over and turned the radio volume down.
“What do you think they were doing to those animals in Sector 8?” Vanessa asked quietly absentmindedly rubbing the jagged scar on her arm. Her blue haired friend grimaced and shrugged touching her own scarred face. The room was relatively silent while the two girls were lost in their memories, the only sound to be heard throughout the small apartment was the murmuring of the radio. Vanessa and Allie met in Sector 1 (now renamed Sector 1.0) lab four years ago when they were 15. They were both picked at random to be a part of a program designed to improve the human ability to regenerate. This was the first (and last) government program to use human test subjects, families and participants were reassured
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“How should I know what to do when you see someone eating someone's face off?” Now Vanessa shrugged. “You always have a plan. I usually just go into things headfirst. You should be proud of me that I ran instead of trying to help Charlie.” “First, you hated Charlie and second I am proud that you ran instead of trying to help or I would’ve had to come down there and kill you myself.” Vanessa rolled her eyes and finished her candy. “Did she notice you?” Vanessa cocked her head to the side and shrugged. “I don’t think so. But do you think we should leave the city? Just in case? Sector 8 is the closest to us, maybe it’s not safe