The purpose of this report is to identify the key role of publications in marketing communications. The content of this report will contain information on three specific articles and one advert that represent different organisations and specialist areas of PR in regards to Entertainment, Technology and Sport going into depth about the PR specialist areas, publication, supplement, date, organisation and headline of each articles. I will then go on to identify and describe the different audiences that are aimed at PR, Advertising and Marketing and further outline examples of how organisations operate PR as part of their marketing communications mix.
In further depth, this report will also consist of the structure of PR organisation for in-house management within an organisation, structures of PR industries available externally to an organisation and PR techniques of communicating with both external and internal stakeholders.
Part A
Identification and selection of appropriate PR examples.
Part B
Question 1
Employees are the internal customers within PR publics and the face of any organisation. Communication with employees are a huge priority in any organisation on daily business practices and any organisation should ensure that employees are kept well-informed, engaged and fully committed to success of business as employees are usually the individuals who support management and do the work of a business.
In any organisation employee recognition is an important factor, it is essential for an organisation to acknowledge the behaviour, effort or business result that supports the organisations goals and values, and understand the individuals behind this.
Employees are the organisation 3’s most important audience as the company need employees to continue developing within the company, without these employees it would constrain three in continueing their profits as they would have nobody to produce sales to consumers.
Organisations want the best to work for their companies and to do this these organisations have to ensure that they catch the eye of any future potential employees who could get involved with the company. Potential employees are an important factor within a company especially with organisations such as 3 and Scotland’s football association as employees are their most important customer. These companies thrive on their reputations and for big organisations it is important that they have the best individuals working for them or wanting to work for them.
Consumers are an important target audience for any organisation
Question 2
The majority of organisations operate PR as part of their marketing communications mix by using particular methods such as Sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling and advertisement.
In regard to the organisation three, it is important that they use personal selling for this company to keep their employees happy as well as their consumers because the employees of the organisation are the individuals who continue to make the company a profit, with the daily sales that they produce within the stores.
Three often hold meetings for their staff to share recent news about the company face to face. These meetings allow management to express important company information whilst giving staff the opportunity to ask any questions they may have. It is important that these meetings are held as three must ensure that the image or reputation for the company is being kept up to standard procedure.
Three have used PR as one of their many promotional tools by creating an app and television advert that allows audiences to see the humorous side of the company and they continue to do this not only to allow audiences to view this side of the company but to keep individuals interested and attract new customers.
They also operate a monthly email update and a newsletter system including company information, latest projections and any new